Thursday, 26 June 2014

No#24: Cubism

Spectacular antique masterpiece rug by Grand Master Mohammad Seirafian. This rug depicts one of the most fascinating designs created by the Grand Master Mohammad Seirafian, which combines the elements of classical Persian designs belonging to the various historical eras from the Seljuq dynasty to the Safavid Dynasty composed in a modern Cubism style., which various design objects are broken up and reassembled in an abstracted form, depicting the subject from a multitude of viewpoints with a greater context. While there is a small medallion rug in the center, several other medallion-design rugs are broken and beautifully arranged around the center. The cubist design is performed in such a way to avoid any distorted impression and maintain the elegance of the symmetric classical Persian rug. This is perhaps one of the first known cubism rug ever designed. This rug has 1000 kpsi, all in Persian single knot style with naturally dyed wool pile on silk foundation.